There's also Saturday Morning RPG (which is less than $1 on Steam right now), Cthulhu Saves The World on Mac App Store, and Penny Arcade's On The Rainslick Precipice Of Darkness 3 also on the Mac App Store. I've got it on iOS, but maybe it's time I get it for Mac too. EDIT: I just remembered that Fall of Angels is on the Mac App Store. As the heir to a cursed land, you must hire explorers and mercenaries to reveal and unravel the. I've got it on iOS, but maybe it's time I get it for Mac too. One of the best independent horror RPG games ever made. They're turn-based, filled with all the accoutrements you'd expect: hundreds of items to loot, 24 unique skills to master and eight base attributes that affect your character, turn-based combat and action, and a storyline that unfolds over hours, days, and weeks. 7 UNTURNED Minecraft would have been on this list, but its simply not free and the demo version is rather limited. Flyff Universe is a free-to-play browser-based, cross-platform fantasy MMORPG for PC (Windows, Mac and Linux) and mobile devices (Android/iOS) by Korean developer and publisher Gala Lab Corp. Basilisk Games crafts classic RPGs for Mac, Windows and Linux.